Finance components offer you a comprehensive overview of company business from any perspective you wish. At the same time, you can follow and scrutinize each financial transaction in detail. These components simplify accounting, enhance control capacity at all levels of the organization, and support change processes whatever business you are in.
Transactions organized in batches. Hierarchical chart of accounts with unlimited levels of nesting. Authorized user defined number of periods. Each transaction can be classified by cost centre, organizational unit, project or user defined categorization. Integrated or separated accounts payable and receivable functionality. Multicurrency support with one user definable base currency.
Multi lingual support is available (currently English and Macedonian). User-predefined relations between accounts provide full compatibility with International Accounting Standards using single entries. Balance sheet, income statement and cash flow are real time available. All reports can be filtered by many criteria: cost centre, organizational units, project, categorization, time periods, vendors, accounts on different level of nesting, type of documents, by Journal type etc. Supporting more Journals useful for bigger companies. Multiple fiscal years simultaneous support. All entries are allowed in two fiscal periods (months, quarters, years) with temporary and finally closing by period. Integrated reporting on more fiscal years. Automatic years end processing and opening balance. Unlimited number of budgets per year is allowed with ability to create new budgets based on last year's actual or past budgets.