- We have corporate focus on ERP and strong development team.
- We are aware of the organisation's business practices, and mature enough to implement the best or optimum solution, covering all aspects of business.
- VA 2000 (our ERP Code Name) is truly integrated all data is captured only once remaining flexible and scalable, complex, but user friendly.
- Amount of customization required is minimal in compact implementation scenarios and We are ready for maximum customization in comprehensive implementation scenarios.
- Availability of reference sites, you can meet the key users.
- Package support the security and operational requirements of multiple organisation. Inter-connectivity, multilevel consolidation and support are part of a single installation.
- We have quick implementation cycle, availability of regular upgrades and local support infrastructure what gives shortened ROI period.
- Our offering total costs are minimal; include cost of license, training, implementation, maintenance, and customization.
- Reduction in inventory cost by 25% to 50%.
- Reduction in purchases material costs by 2% to 10%.
- Reduction in scrap, rework and obsolescence costs over 30%.
- Increase in labour productivity by 10% to 25%.
- Increase sales by 10% to 20%.
- Cut information technology costs by 10% to 25%.
- Reduction in purchase material costs by 2% to 10%.
- Incorporating best practices from the industry into the company's systems and procedures.
- Quality and customer services improvement.
- The creation of a seamless global office through integration of multiple technologies.
- Improved decision making and planning.
- Built business flexibility for current and future changes.
- Facilitate business learning, common vision and empowerment.